Funding Programs
Other Foundation Programs
From Africa to Fort Worth, we support a diverse range of organizations that create a world where everyone can thrive, regardless of their
background or circumstances.

Other Foundation Giving 2021-2022
While most of RCF’s grantmaking is
focused on our two primary funding areas,
we are compelled to address other needs,
particularly in areas that don’t receive
much attention or where opportunities to
leverage other sources of funding create
once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.
Other Foundation Grant Recipients
To learn more about our grant recipients and partnerships, please view the latest annual report.
Areas of Focus

COVID-19 Related Funding
While most of our research efforts focused on neurodegenerative tauopathies, our funding has expanded to include early-outpatient COVID treatments and long COVID studies.
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Our Address:
777 Main Street, STE #2250
Fort Worth, TX 76102
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